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Meet the Team: William Bajraszewski

Why did you join the world of PE?

I have always had an interest in investing with a long-term mindsight. In PE you’re never in it for the short term, you need to make a decision and then follow it through. Your success is driven by both your quality of thought and ability to build relationships which means you utilise a lot of skills over the course of every investment.

Why Livingbridge?

I think the appeal for me was that Livingbridge was founded and is based in a mature private equity market with experience of navigating changing economic conditions. The team globally has a huge amount of experience working across sectors so there’s a lot of knowledge to draw on.

Livingbridge is differentiated by the fact that it takes a global perspective; this makes a big difference to the companies we speak to who are looking to expand internationally. Our style of genuine partnership by putting management teams first resonates in this market as well as the flexible approach to deal structuring and how we approach growth plans.

What do we look for in businesses?

We normally look for businesses with a quality proposition and a clear opportunity for growth. We look to agree an ambitious growth plan with management teams where and we then work together to execute on it; how this is enabled is the key question for us to answer when making an investment.

Best piece of advice

The piece of advice that I would give to someone in the industry is to stay balanced - things are never as good or as bad as you think they are. No investment is a straight line to success and supporting management teams to navigate through the many twists and turns is very important to forming a long-term partnership.

When I’m not working, I am…

Normally running around after my toddler, playing golf or expanding my wine collection. I also make sure I make the most of Melbourne’s world class sporting events and dining scene!